tapis_cli.project_ini.schema package

class tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.BaseSchema

Bases: object

PROPERTIES = [('field', 'default', <class 'str'>, 'Field description')]
section = 'DEFAULT'


tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.actor module

class tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.actor.Schema

Bases: tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.BaseSchema

PROPERTIES = [('name', '', <class 'str'>, 'Tapis actor name'), ('description', '', <class 'str'>, 'Tapis actor name description'), ('alias', '', <class 'str'>, 'Tapis actor alias'), ('stateless', True, <class 'bool'>, 'Whether actor is stateless'), ('hint', '', <class 'str'>, 'Scaling hint for actor'), ('privileged', False, <class 'bool'>, 'Whether actor runs with advanced capabilities'), ('use_uid', True, <class 'bool'>, 'Whether actor should run as the owner UNIX ID'), ('workers', 1, <class 'int'>, 'Default number of workers for the actor')]

tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.app module

class tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.app.Schema

Bases: tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.BaseSchema

PROPERTIES = [('name', '', <class 'str'>, 'Tapis app name'), ('version', '', <class 'str'>, 'Tapis app semantic version'), ('bundle', '', <class 'str'>, 'Local path containing app assets'), ('deployment_path', '', <class 'str'>, 'Remote path holding app assets'), ('deployment_system', '', <class 'str'>, 'Storage system holding app assets'), ('execution_system', '', <class 'str'>, 'Execution system for Tapis app')]

tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.docker module

class tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.docker.Schema

Bases: tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.BaseSchema

PROPERTIES = [('dockerfile', 'Dockerfile', <class 'str'>, 'Dockerfile to build current project'), ('username', '', <class 'str'>, 'Container registry username'), ('group', '', <class 'str'>, 'Container registry group'), ('registry', '', <class 'str'>, 'Container registry URL'), ('repo', '', <class 'str'>, 'Container repo name'), ('tag', '', <class 'str'>, 'Container repo tag'), ('build_args', '', <class 'str'>, 'Container build arguments'), ('use_commit_hash', True, <class 'bool'>, 'Use commit hash for tag if available')]

tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.env module

class tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.env.Schema

Bases: tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.BaseSchema


tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.git module

class tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.git.Schema

Bases: tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.BaseSchema

PROPERTIES = [('branch', 'master', <class 'str'>, 'Current git branch'), ('remote', '', <class 'str'>, 'Current git remote')]

tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.job module

class tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.job.Schema

Bases: tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.BaseSchema


tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.system module

class tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.system.Schema

Bases: tapis_cli.project_ini.schema.BaseSchema

PROPERTIES = [('ssh_private_key', '~/.ssh/id_rsa', <class 'str'>, 'Current user SSH private key'), ('ssh_public_key', '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', <class 'str'>, 'Current user SSH public key')]