Search Commands

Several Tapis command families support sophisiticated search capabilities, but due to the fact that Tapis has been developed over several years, implementation details of syntax and capability vary widely. Tapis CLI remedies this with named search commands which accept optionized forms of select top-level keys for each supported service. Limited support for types and enumerations is presented as well, as well as support for search modifiers. Finally, semantic or “humanized” dates are ranges are supported as query terms in fields which are Python datetime types.

An Example

To stimulate your interest, here’s a simple example of searching for an app by a fragment of its name. The generalized form of a Tapis CLI search command is tapis <service> search --field-name <modifier> <value>.

$ tapis apps search --name like image
| id                            | revision | label            | shortDescription              | isPublic | executionSystem        |
| |        3 | Image Classifier | Classify an image using a     | True     | tapis.execution.system |
|                               |          |                  | small ImageNet model          |          |                        |
| |        2 | Image Classifier | Classify an image using a     | True     | tapis.execution.system |
|                               |          |                  | small ImageNet model          |          |                        |
| |        1 | Image Classifier | Classify an image using a     | True     | tapis.execution.system |
|                               |          |                  | small ImageNet model          |          |                        |

Search help strings

The code that enables search also generates descriptive, if a bit repetitive, help text for each search command. The help text for systems search is shown below, followed by a few notes to help you make sense of what you are seeing seen. The help for any search command will yield similar detailed instructions.

$ tapis systems search -h
usage: tapis systems search [-h] [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                             [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                             [--noindent] [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]
                             [--print-empty] [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
                             [--no-verify] [-z <token>] [-l <int>] [-o <int>]
                             [--available eq*|neq true|false]
                             [--default eq*|neq true|false]
                             [--description eq*|neq|start|end|like <string>]
                             [--execution-type eq*|neq CLI|Condor|HPC]
                             [--global-default eq*|neq true|false]
                             [--id eq*|neq|start|end|like <string>]
                             [--max-system-jobs eq*|neq|gt|gte|lt|lte <int>]
                             [--max-system-jobs-per-user eq*|neq|gt|gte|lt|lte <int>]
                             [--name eq*|neq|start|end|like <string>]
                             [--owner eq*|neq|start|end|like <string>]
                             [--public eq*|neq true|false]
                             [--revision eq*|neq|gt|gte|lt|lte <int>]
                             [--scheduler eq*|neq|start|end|like CONDOR|CUSTOM_SLURM|FORK|LSF|PBS|SGE|SLURM]
                             [--status eq*|neq DOWN|MAINTENANCE|UNKNOWN|UP]
                             [--type eq*|neq EXECUTION|STORAGE]

Picking a few representative fields, we see:

  • description is a string. The recommended search modifier is eq and the expected value is any string.
  • executionType is a string, but has constrained values of CLI, Condor, or HPC
  • available is a Boolean. You can construct a positive or negative filter with equals, not-equals, true, and false
  • maxSystemJobs is an integer. You can use direct (eq, ne) as well as quantitative comparisons (lt, gte, etc.)


This is the canonical list of modifiers and the search pattern they attempt to implement for their respective web service and parameter.

Modifier Explanation Types
eq Equals String, Number, Boolean
neq Does not equal String, Number, Boolean
like Contains String
start Starts With String
end Ends With String
gt, gte Greater than (or equal) Number
le, lte Less than (or equal) Number
on After 00:00 but before 11:59:59 UTC Date
before Before 0:00 UTC Date
after After 11:59:59 UTC Date

Human Dates

Here are some examples of humanized dates for searching date fields.

Example Span
before today Prior to today
after “this week” Within the current week, marked by Sunday
after “October 15, 2018” After midnight UTC Oct 15, 2018
gte “2 hours” More than 2 hours ago
after “6/1/2019” After midnight June 1, 2019
after 2018 Any time in 2019 or after

Search support by command

Search is available for several commands, and is on the roadmap for a few more in the coming months.

Command Family Smart Search
auth No
actors Planned
apps Yes
files Planned
git Planned
hooks No
jobs Yes
metadata Yes
notifications Planned
profiles Yes
settings No
status Planned
systems Yes
versions No